18 January, 2012

Dear Emma...

According to my friend, Emma, I need to be more "internet-ly organised" so that people (read: she) can utilise modern day stalking to the utmost limits. So here we are.

I should first explain that 'now you are outside riding a bike' is a literal translation of the Swedish saying 'nu är du ute och cyklar!', which is a phrase you can say to people when they're wrong about something. I haven't had a chance to use this saying yet, but I plan to put it to good use over the next 5 months that I'm here.

Where's 'here'? Sweden. Stockholm, to be exact. Let's jump through the other basics really quickly. I'm on a university exchange from Sydney, Australia. I study medical science, and I'm majoring in immunology. I live in a student accommodation building on one of the quieter corridors, but I have a really odd neighbour. I am constantly plagued by attacks of velleity (if you don't know this word, look it up. It's great.) And two things I'm really missing from home right now are:
1. Proper coffee. I mean coffee made by a barista, with fresh coffee beans and frothed milk. All they drink here is pre-made coffee in a pot. You pay 10kr ($1.40 for Australians), add your own milk, and stir it with a paddle pop stick. I miss real coffee so much.
2. Music. Back home, I go to a lot of amazing small music gigs and I'm really feeling the loss of constantly listening to great bands, playing in backyards, art warehouses, or on trains. I don't know how I'm going to get through 7 months without any of this.

Anywho, I'm going to finish this up with a snippet of conversation between me and a new Swedish friend, from uni today.
M: I don't see why people are concerned about pills that do the same as drinks.
Me: Hmm... well pills just seem more... concerning to people.
M: Ah yes, you humans are like that.

I now debate the possibility of having befriended a Swedish alien.



  1. Ooh I can comment on this thing.

  2. AND I CAN BE "anonymous"!
    Anyway - aww. I can't wait to stalk you extra now!
    And yes - you always attract the weird people. People like me, who insist you assist me in stalking you further. Hoorah! So much excitement.
    Alsssooo, I just googled "velleity" to see whether we've been pronouncing it wrong or not. Maybe we have, but in our defense - the man who says it on the google sounds like a Russian comedian when he pronounces velleity, so therefore, we are right. Right?
    Now... go to bread.

  3. I like how we say it, so I don't care about Russian comedians and their pronunciation. I mean, if people are allowed to say 'extra-ordinary' for extraordinary, then we can say velleity however we want. and also those people need to watch blinky bill.
