23 January, 2012

Dear Cold...

I'm 13 days into my exchange and I've finally gotten sick. Spending all Sunday walking around outside while it snowed probably didn't help. But on the upside, I definitely thought this would have come sooner. So today I decided to stay home, and had I not booked to do my laundry at 3pm I probably would have stayed asleep all day. Armed with a giant bowl of Mum's delicious recipe of lentil, tomato, carrot and mushroom soup, I spent the rest of the afternoon watching episodes of Downton Abbey. I could be back home as far as this day was concerned, so I've promised myself to go out tomorrow and explore as I have the day off uni.

Aside from getting sick, I've had a pretty good weekend though. I can't believe it's only my second weekend here, but there you go. Friday night was the Rubik's cube party, which was lots of fun wearing ridiculous coloured clothes and dancing in a kitchen to really bad music. And by 'bad music' I just mean popular club-type music. I will never again take for granted having friends with good music taste. It must also be pointed out that being able to just get the elevator down to your room when you want to go home is going to make coming back to the hour long train trip home each weekend hard.

Saturday was spent recovering from Friday and doing pretty much nothing, but Sunday was a day well spent. We started with a Frukostbuffé (breakfast buffet) at Café String in Södermalm (the Newtown / Surry Hills of Stockholm), and meet two very lovely Swedish girls through the Global Friends exchange organisation. Then we wandered around for a while, finding lots of beautiful churches and old buildings on cobblestone streets, with snow covering everything. Stockholm is so beautiful! We finished up the day looking at the shops in the centre of Stockholm, and chanced upon the oddest vintage shop. It was a part of a brand store called Weekday, and the building had three floors- the first being normal clothes, the second all jeans, and the third a collection of vintage clothes, with a whole bunch being 75% off! Win! So for a total of 150kr ($20) I bought a new dress and another jumper to compliment the cow jumper I bought the other day!

Now as I'm pretty sure this is reaching a very limited audience, I'm going to go ahead and put up the ridiculously narcissistic picture I took of me in my new dress. There's no one here to judge me anyway.

And another one for good measure.

Unfortunately I don't have one with the jumper, but I'll take one sometime soon, I promise. It's a really great jumper, and so definitely deserves its own post.