You know it's reached a point of desperation when you find yourself dancing like a crazy person to your ipod for over an hour and a half, alone in your room after getting back from a night of 'dancing' at a club. I know in movies people always seem to dance in their rooms, and I'm not sure how much that happens in other people's real lives, but it certainly never happens in mine. I hadn't realised how reliant on good live music I'd become, but now I'm concerned for my sanity (or what sanity that existed in the first place). I know 90% (insert correct percentage here) of the youth population enjoy the music that's played in clubs, or at least pretend to enjoy it, but honestly it's the worst. Take me home to New Moon Blues, The Smallest Gig, FBi Socials, MUM at The World Bar, gigs at the Metro, Enmore, Oxford Art Factory, Manning, Hermann's, The Annandale Hotel, Good God, the Vanguard, Summer gigs like Garden Music, and the Surry Hills Festival, gigs on a train, in a backyard, in Hibernian House, sing-a-longs to a guitar/ukulele/piano with friends on a balcony, in a lounge room, in a tent, on a beach, on the grass, in the sun, at night, in a bar, in an alley way, music through an ipod while you bounce on a trampoline in the darkness looking at the stars.
P.S. Sober Tessa, don't delete this.
i knew that you'd miss my justin beiber renditions.